Jun 5, 2013
When I first heard of the original uncensored version of this show, I heard a lot of things like, this is the next Sailor Moon, or this show does one of the best jobs at a philosophical approach to protecting nature, and how endangered animals, or how this show could have been as big as Naruto or Death Note. after watching the first episode, I was like, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS THE NEW SAILOR MOON!?" I was actually very unimpressed, in fact Ichigo's seiyu busted up my ear drums after the first episode. I was very bitter, and took my frustrations out on the show when in fact I should have taken out my frustrations on dumbass fans for saying such things. Over the years I've learned such fans were only kids, and really haven't been around to see shows like Sailor Moon, or other animes, so I figured I'd let that one slide. On to my review of the show. Tokyo Mew Mew is your typical Shojo Sentai series about girls teaming up to save Tokyo from monsters. Just like in every Super sentai show. Another thing with the show is it's use of anime cliches, the neko girl, the badass girl, the rich girl in the mansion, the Chinese lolita, typical filler episodes of things like going to the beach, or a curry cookout, and that filler episode about something being closed down, and the main cast trying to raise money to save. Thought those are more problems with Pierrot than Yoshida. Let's move on to the art and animation. For Studio Pierrot, this is actually one of their best in that area of all time. I mean the animation and art were surprisingly very consistent, and unlike wiith them now iin Naruto Shippuden, characters aren't constantly going off model, or breaking the flow of things. There are a few slip ups here and there, but for an anime in the late 90's early 2000s when shows like this at the time were getting shitty, this was surprisingly very good, and the canon episodes ever very true to the original manga. Points to you Studio Pierrot. You did well there. The characters in this show are just okay. Nothing ever really stands out about them other than the trope they fit. I mean Ichigo is the cat girl, Lettuce is the meganeko, etc. The best characters are probably the ones who who are usually not on screen most of the time which is a shame. I would have loved to gotten to know Keichiro, or Ryu a lot more. I mean what's their story, where do they come from, what are their motivations, and all that are never really explained, so sorry Yoshida you missed there. The villains are meh. They're just your typical alien invaders who lost their home world find earth and try to terraform it so their people can live on it. I mean Marvel and DC have done that loads of times, so I didn't see it being done in a new way here. However by far the worst character is Ayoma. Here's where my this is not the new Sailor Moon comes from. Sailor Moon had very good love interests for it's characters. Mamoru was a strong male lead who took charge when needed, kicked ass and even saved the day when he needed too. Ayoma never does such things, he's just their for Ichigo to have a love interest even when the romance in this show has little to no purpose. Future generations of manga writers, please, don't put in romance unless it serves an actually purpose to the plot. Anyways did I enjoy it? Well it took me a while to get used to Ichigo's seyiu and I really enjoyed Mew Zakuro's episodes. Why this wasn't here story, I'll never know. But yeah it's an average but enjoyable series. But no it's not the Sailor Moon of it's time.
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