This is one of the more unique series I have seen to date. It has a mix of action and comedy with Hippity-Hop music playing in the background. The characters are their own individuals and you can easily distinguish them from one another. Mugen was the hard head, ignorant one (due to his upbringing). Jin is the cool, calm, and confident one with Fuu being the loud mouth, hungry one.
The episodes were episodic so you could go in and watch a random episode and still be vastly entertained. They were essentially spread going from town to town in order to find " The Samurai who smells of sunflowers". Each episode offers an adventure all on its own. The hip-hop really fitted the mood the story was trying to establish and really complete what is otherwise an almost perfect story.
All in all, if you really enjoy fast sword fighting action with alot of comedy, you will enjoy this anime.