This is an anime. Faith in the anime world has been restored! With the recent anime genre going on recently (harem, ecchi, more harem, etc...) I haven't been watching much recently then I stumbled upon this and I am now a happy noodle.
What I like about this anime:
EVERYTHING! I admit on the first few episodes it was a bit dragging that it made me sleep on episode 3 (FORGIVE ME JOHN TITOR!!) but moving forward and making the effort to watch it has paid off. The twists were extraordinary, the art was beautiful & character development (hells yaaah!) was superb. The ending was well-made. It explains everything that has happened and leaves you with a happy smile in your face (not like those cliff hangers that you need to continue reading on the manga).
I absolutely recommend this anime to anyone and everyone. Just bear with the first few confusing episodes, it's gonna pay-off!
Dec 6, 2012
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