Seriously, only some masochist would like this.
The female main character is just a manipulative princess who needs everything to go her way or else her wolrd will crumble. And the mangaka just had to give this type of person superpowers that can alter reality. She literally started the whole relationship by blackmailing him and when the relationship starts, she never misses a chance to belittle him or put him down. It's even worse considering that she likes the guy.
The guy is no better. Though harmless and is genuinely a nice person, and was definitely put between a rock and a hard place, he is too nice and often miss the chances to straight up say what he really feels or at least get mad enough so she knows that he too has feelings.
Overall, the fanservice is quite meh and the humor doesn't make up for all the moments that are made mainly at the guy's expense. The manga is everything wrong with tsunderes and should never see the light of the sun. And Amaterasu forbig it ever gets an anime.
Anyways, Total Tsundere Death.