
Apr 13, 2023
Mixed Feelings
The main characters revive ability is never really explained, which I find a bit strange. I also always hate it when the protag travels through time or some shit but never tells anyone he did it (tbf I understand why he and most anime protags dont, they would sound fucking insane). I feel like the last few episodes after Kayo were kinda rushed, but didn't completely ruin the show for me, but I also kind of do hate it how it feels like they are trying to make Kayo's mother more sympathetic, even though she is a despicable human being. I also hate how Kayo just kind of disappears after the first 8 episodes, because I was really invested in her and the MC's relationship. What I really hate is the last 2 episodes, or in other words, the ending. I REALLY hate this ending. First off, I HATE timeskips. Timeskips are the laziest plot device and it adds so much more problems into shows. I was really invested into the show and there was so much momentum and tension that just got reset because of the timeskip. I always think that timeskips should only be at the beginning or the very end of a show, this is more of the middle (even if its the last two episodes), it time skips at the climax. I also hate Yashiro's motivations as a villain, but it doesn't bother me too much. One thing I REALLY FUCKING HATED in the show was how Kayo and Satoru's relationship was handled near the end of the show. We were so invested in their relationship throughout the story and how they became friends, but in the end she ended up with the femboy with who we knew barely anything about and they had a child. I get what the story is going for, that people move on, but damn did they do it poorly. Maybe if Kayo and the femboy kid had a relationship throughout the show it would be good, but after pushing Satoru and Kayo together, building up everyone's emotional investment just to ruin it, that fucking sucks. They could have made her stay single or at least show us the relationship with her and the femboy kid progressing. It wouldnt be too farfetched considering there is literal time travel. The ending is also just not satisfying. When a main character sacrifices themselves, its usually their choice, but the coma wasn't a sacrifice, that was something that just happened. It would be so much better if Satoru was given the choice of saving Misato or going into a coma, it would make it so much more interesting. A show like Steins;gate shows the main character sacrificing many things and it is HEARTBREAKING, but its GOOD. This just feels thrown in. Otherwise, everything else was good. The soundtrack is amazing, the plot is good for the first 8 episodes, the characters are interesting and you can get invested in them (the ones that we know for a while anyways), and the visuals were also amazing. EDIT: After making all these points, I found a youtube video that discusses the EXACT SAME POINTS AS ME which is funny as fuck but even more of a coincidence is that they also used Steins;gate as an example. Here is the video link for those interested:
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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