This anime is what makes ecchi the best anime genre, 100% pure uncensored degeneracy. The amount of panty shots, titties and weird foot stuff makes this anime a masterpiece. Not a minute goes by without some goofy ass up skirt shots or unnecessary levels of hornyness. The bare bones plot/story of a man turing into a dog and trying to turn back to human à la The Shaggy Dog is just a framework to go from one horny scene to the next, with each episode being a short vignette of sexual tomfoolery.
The three main girls Inukai, Nekotani and Usagi are all streotypes of streotypes with barely a hint of personality. Inukai is a by the books tsundere that probably has an account on the Zooville forums. Nekotani is the straight man in gyaru clothing with a fear of dogs. Usagi is the happy go lucky girl that has a crush on the mc before he turned into a dog. However, all three are mostly enjoyable in their own ways with Inukai being the standout with her heavy undertones of creepy beastialtiy leading to most of the "dear god" and "what the fuck am I watching" moments.
The ending is very lame though. The ending of the anime/final episode is all about this crazy ass scientist girl going on about her experiment and lampooning the mc for being a perverted ass dude. The biggest problem with this ending is that it simultaneously jumps the shark and underwhelming at the same time. Outside of the fantastical and pervy elements the setting and plot is very grounded, so this random crazy Doctor Frankenstein girl hits like a truck. At the same time they don't go all out with the insanity, instead playing it very dramatic and serious. Add on top of that the questions left unanswered leaves the ending to feel lame as hell.
Inconclusion, outside of the ending this ecchi is a great watch if the person watching can grin and bare it. It ain't for everyone, in fact it's barely for anyone not struggling with dopamine problems and a porn addiction stronger than Gokuu Black. For those few that can bare watching, they are in for a great time of ass, titties and so much foot fetishism that Quentin Tarantino would say it's too much.