
Mar 25, 2023
While care has been taken to minimize story related spoilers there may still be spoilers within character analysis. You have been warned.

Based on a popular light novel series of the same name The Angel Next Door Spoils me rotten or as its more commonly known among its fans as the angel spoils me rotten is a romantic comedy and slice-of-life anime that explores the kind of possibilities that can manifest when a quiet and intelligent young boy haunted by past experiences with bullies that had been drawn to him as a result of his kindness was to have a chance encounter with not only the most popular girl at school but also find to their mutual shock that they’re not only neighbours but have a mutual desire to keep their inner selves away from their public faces.

Just what will happen when these two find something that both of them share both a curiosity and a passion for and how will their bond evolve as an angel and an outcast through their everyday interaction break free of the shells that they were both mutually trapped in?

While the overall premise of the series narrative is not something that’s particularly unique what really makes it stand out from its fellow genre sisters this season is its simplicity via the usage of settings and social situations that are easily relatable to its target audience and its fusion with the emotional bonding that comes from the fated encounter of two individuals from differing social backgrounds and the changes that both develop through their every interaction. The series focus on the emotional bonds that exists within a given relationship rather than on the physical aspects of one and its effect on the cast’s mutual development as individuals I felt was a welcome change to the genre and was one of the animes that I enjoyed the most this anime season.

Amane Fujimiya

Amane Fujimiya is one of the main characters of the series and is the protagonist of the series' main narrative. A high school freshman and a classmate of Mahiru to which he also unknowingly lived next door to until their fateful meeting Amane from his initial appearances was shown to be a quiet, calm and composed person that while not someone that was unapproachable nonetheless was someone that preferred to remain aloof within the class and not get involved with things that don’t involve him. Indeed, until his fateful meeting with his enigmatic neighbor, Amane was seen to be content with just having the opportunity to interact with his best friend Itsuki and his partner and no more a fact that didn’t escape the notice of his peers and cause them to view him as something of an enigma as unlike them he was someone that seemed averse to networking with others outside of close friends. Despite this unusual nature however, Amane was someone that was shown to be an intelligent and confident person by nature and was noted to be someone that was relatively independent and mature for someone his age and while he doesn’t often interact with those outside his inner circle of friends was shown to have a relatively good grasp on both the general mood of the class and the kind of things that teenagers his age would think off as they go through their daily school life. While preferring to maintain his aloof nature Amane was by no means a bad communicator and while his blunt nature can deter people, he was someone that can display a surprising amount of curiosity in others which when paired with his equally elusive sense of consideration for others served to make him especially perceptive to the moods of others a fact that while endlessly surprising to others is just another skill that Amane had picked up from his time hiding in the background of a class and one that would put him in good stead when he finally gets to meet his enigmatic neighbor.

As the series progresses and Amane gets to not only experience the unique taste that comes from having homemade meals but also forge bonds with someone that despite being the polar opposite in terms of class popularity nonetheless was one that was far more alike to him than their surface personalities would have indicated the distant and nigh unapproachable Amane slowly starts to change. While he doesn’t completely lose this aspect of his personality by interacting with the angel that had unknowingly lived next door to him and gradually bonding with her over their shared passion for cooking and in the process unearthing the nature that he kept hidden for so long was gradually revealed. For Amane was actually someone that was kind, caring and considerate of others which is best shown in not just his interactions with the angel but also with his close friends as well as despite his desire not to get involved in things troublesome he was not someone that would refuse to help those that actually required it. Indeed, by interacting with the angel and learning the joy and warmth that can come from having homemade meals together with someone that he can relate to Amane was also able to show that he was also someone who while lacking in experience when it comes with interacting with girls was nonetheless an honest and gentle person and one that can be surprisingly thoughtful as well. Interactions that made him realize just how much he had been limiting himself by closing his heart to those that are closest to him and in doing so denying one of the greatest joys that can come from being a teenager which is being able to mess around with your friends and form lasting bonds and memories with those that you can truly trust.

While parallel self-development of characters via their interactions with each other is a recurring theme in popular media I have to say that I really liked Amane’s development and the effect that his change had on the angel as well for while Amane gradually become a better person as a result of his rediscovery of his long locked away aspects of his personality this also served to allow him to become an effective anchor for the angel as well that proved to be the perfect counter for the angel’s stubbornness and her desire to hide issues for fear of troubling him something that I felt really served to complement their bond and make their relationship much more heartfelt due to the increased chemistry that it creates between them. Within the series, my favorite moments were when Amane treated the angel after she got injured trying to rescue a cat and his comforting of her after her encounter with the heartless corporobot that she had the misfortune of having as her mother moments that showed well not just his worth as an anchor but also the fact that in life it's always better to face it with someone that you can trust.

Mahiru Shiina

Mahiru Shiina is one of the main characters of the series and is the narrative’s main female lead. A high school freshman, classmate and also unknown to the pair next-door neighbors Mahiru from her initial appearances was shown to be a polite, soft-spoken and friendly girl that as a result of her kind, gentle and intelligence was someone that was held in high regard within the class and was affectionately called the angel by students and teachers alike. However, while her humble and caring nature ensured that she was never short of acquaintances and classmates to interact with Mahiru was not someone that flouted this fact unlike others in her position and instead treated all of her peers with politeness and fairness at all times. Indeed, the only real flaws that Mahiru had at the start of the series that didn’t quite fit the image of her nickname was her large sense of responsibility, the strong pride that she has in her cooking ability and preference for wanting to handle everything by herself instead of asking for help when it proves necessary. However, while Mahiru was held in high regard by her peers and teachers alike what really made her stand out from her peers was how independent she was as unlike her peers many of which still lived with their families Mahiru though forced by circumstance was shown to be someone that was proficient in not only maintaining the household via her rather surprising skill at locating bargains at her local supermarket but also, more importantly, be able to cook at a level that would surprise her peers if they had chosen to visit her a skill that can be inferred to have taken her considerable time to learn and master and as such it was easy to see why she was so proud of her skill in the kitchen. While this pride was something that was well earned I felt that this within the narrative was used effectively as an initiator when used in combination with her critical eye towards those that don’t take care of themselves by eating properly and her sense of responsibility that demanded her to always pay back those that have helped her that allowed her to not only meet her equally enigmatic neighbor but also forge a bond with him that would change her life as she knows it. On the surface, while Mahiru was someone that was polite and kind and was someone that seemed to have no shortage of friends and acquaintances to hang out with on top of being able to have an apartment all to herself in reality life for Mahiru was not as perfect as it can be.

Indeed, for while Mahiru did genuinely enjoy spending time with her friends and classmates when in class to those watching from afar it seemed that even when her friends were having fun that Mahiru while laughing with them was only going through the motions that are expected of her and while the enjoyment that she showed was indeed real it can be seen that she when in the company of her friends was working hard to maintain an ideal image of herself rather than simply being natural. An image that focuses on always excelling at whatever task that she had set herself to achieve, be it academically, in sports or in cooking all the while ensuring that the impression that her classmates have of her remains a positive one. While this image served as an effective platform for Mahiru that allowed her to focus on achieving the goals that she had set for herself while maintaining the image of the ideal girl within the class it came at the expense of social experience and the lack of a true friend that she can let her guard down around and act more like a girl her age. Something that only changed when she was to meet and befriend perhaps her first real friend her age in the form of Amane.

While the early days of their relationship were tense ones due in part to Mahiru’s critical eye on cooking and her strict view on social independence as the bond between the two deepened over their shared interest in cooking this nature of hers began to change due to her desire to maintain a bond with Amane who unlike most boys his age did not show much romantic interest in her by remaining friends and in cooking for both of them improve her cooking skills as well as her desire to improve herself by using that friendship to experience aspects of a life that she had so far not been able to experience. On a physical level due in part to the kind of image that she had set herself to create Mahiru’s logical and blunt nature as well as her preference for falling back on what politeness demands upon her served to make Mahiru’s first steps in breaking out of her shell a difficult process for her that was complicated further due to Amane being the first boy her age that she befriended. However, when this was used in combination with the emotional connection that was formed between them as they interacted with each other daily these changes become much more prominent with perhaps her newfound interest in teasing Amane and being able to accurately make clear her concern of his wellbeing one of the most notable changes of her personality as a result of the bond. While her interactions with her classmates remain unchanged as a result of the bonds that she forges with them when she’s with Amane as well as that of Itsuki and Chitose this newfound confidence of hers is shown to best effect as when in the company of friends that she can trust Mahiru was seen to be far more talkative and lively and unlike how she’s in school when she was with them she was able to be herself a fact that Amane and his friends were all too pleased to see. However, while the making of her first true friends her age was one that served to showcase just how much she had been missing what was arguably the greatest change to her personality that served to give her a unique role within the narrative was the role of the initiator that made effective usage of not only Mahiru’s newfound confidence but also her ability to always see the good points in others and use this ability to help others overcome their own inner struggles something that within the narrative was used to excellent effect in allowing both Mahiru and Amane to provide mutual support for each other and in doing so form the best possible bond between them that really showed just how much she had changed as a result of meeting Amane.


In terms of animation, I felt that the series overall animation was done pretty well that made great usage of the series main themes of simplicity and through this its ability to allow its watchers to relate to it through scenarios and locations that they feel connected to. This dual sense I felt was also reflected well in the character designs for the main and support cast as well as that of the outfits that they wore within the narrative that served to present not just the kind of normal life that the cast should be living at their age but also serve as a visible indicator of their evolving bonds as their relationship advances. Reinforcing this within the animation of the series was the facial expressions of the main leads that I felt when used in conjunction with the emotional bonding between them as they interacted with each other really served to make their bonding moments and the changes that we see in their relationship that much heartfelt and relatable something that I felt is especially important in relationships that focus on mutual self-development of the two parties as they interact.

Music wise the series made use of one opening, ending and insert song which was Gift that was performed by veteran singer Masayoshi Oishi, a cover of Chiisana Koi No Uta that was originally performed by Mongol800 that in this case was sung by Mahiru’s assigned seiyuu Manaka Iwami and the insert song Aiuta that was also performed by Manaka Iwami. In the case of the former, I really liked the sense of positivity and cheerfulness that the song conveyed which was supported excellently by its visuals that despite the differences that they have in terms of class standing within the school that outside of that Amane and Mahiru were able to forge a bond that transcended such aspects of society thanks to their shared passion for food and one that allowed them to finally take their first steps in breaking out of their shells and live the lives that they have been missing for so long. In the case of the series ending theme, I was honestly quite surprised to find that it was a cover of an already existing song but at the same time, I was impressed by Manaka Iwami’s rendition of it that through the aid of the accompanying visuals was able to convey the many moments of joy and happiness that came about as a result of meeting someone that she can be herself around and that even when simply doing things as simple as cooking for others being able to see the fruits of one’s labors by seeing their reactions to it is something that would make one’s day especially if the person in question is someone that you care deeply for.

Voice acting wise I felt that the series main voice cast all did an excellent job at portraying their assigned characters whether they were main ones or support ones with Manaka Iwami’s portrayal of Mahiru as one of the highlights of the series. Taito Ban while still a relatively new seiyuu given his lack of main roles to this point I felt did an excellent job portraying the male lead of Amane Fujimiya and I hope that the experience that he gained from working alongside veterans would enable him to build a solid foundation from which he can grow from. In terms of supporting characters, I felt that the combo of Itsuki Akazawa and Chitose Shirakawa that within the narrative was portrayed by veteran seiyuu’s Taku Yashiro and Haruka Shiraishi respectively did an excellent job both in supporting Amane and allowing him to live a life free of bullies but also in transferring their unique skills in helping support Amane and Mahiru’s slowly developing bond within the narrative by injecting many fun and hilarious moments within their days. Though only seen a handful of times I really liked Hisako Kanemoto’s portrayal of Amane’s mother Shihoko whose every appearance brought a lot of comedy to the narrative that made me laugh every time.

Overall conclusion

In overall I felt that the Angel next door spoils me rotten was an excellent anime that had among its main strong points its strong animation, well-designed and developed characters, sweet and heartwarming bonding moments between the main leads that featured a good balance of character expansion and bonding and an excellent narrative that featured not only an effective usage of mutual self-development of its main cast but also relate this to one of the most unfortunate aspects of modern day society in the form of bullying and parents that see their daughters as nothing more than unplanned baggage.

For any kind of romantic comedy even one that has additional genres such as this to be successful in its portrayal of its source material it needs not only an accurate portrayal of its main characters but also of the romantic chemistry that links the main cast together as without this the interactions between the cast members would run the risk of being hollow. In the case of this series, I felt that the romantic chemistry between the two main leads was actually the highlight of the series as it served as an excellent foundation for their bonds of mutual self-development to ground on which made each of their bonding moments that much more heartfelt as they gradually evolved from mere acquaintances to friends and eventually one’s that consider each other to be the most important person in each of their respective hearts.

Overall, as a final score, I would say that the Angel next door spoils me rotten easily deserves a final score of 9/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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