Ah, Black Clover. One of the newest Shōnen heavy weights that seems to have everyone's attention. This show feels like a parody of Shōnen at some times then at others it feels like a well rounded show.. This show gets its fair share of hate and love, while I think a lot of this hate is well deserved, not all of it is. This show is bland, annoying, and pretty flawed but isn’t one hundred percent bad. Just a weird inconsistent mess like this paragraph.
Story 4/10 - The story is very basic at first. It doesn’t really pick up pass till the invasion arc and even then it's pretty bland. The main story is also just bare bones battle Shōnen stuff with Asta of the Black Bulls wanting to become the all mighty “Wizard King” so he can fuck Sister Lily back in his home village. Yknow, normal stuff. Now this story isn’t all bad. There are sometimes minor plot twists (not even really twists just not as predictable as the rest of the plot) but besides that, it's all normal battle Shōnen stuff.
Art 5/10 - The art overall can be very pretty and nice to look at. But in the case of character design it's a little iffy. Also the animation is so damn inconsistent. Like sometimes it dips down to levels of Seven Deadly Frames and other times it's as good as other big current new gens.
Sound 8/10 - The OST’s and OP’s are fucking amazing. The voice acting for the sub is good but Asta’s voice actor will make your ears bleed. The dub at some points can be wonky but it's an ok dub.
Characters 2/10 - All of the characters have some form of depth but they all give me a headache. Their comedic aspects are overused way too much, basically destroying any attachment I can have to the character. In serious moments they are fine but other than that they sound like broken records.
Enjoyment 3/10 - The plot is ok and the art is fine, but as I said the characters are sometimes unbearable and overall the story is pretty predictable.
Overall 4 + 5 + 8 + 2 + 3 = 22 / 5 = 4.4 It's fine. If you like battle Shōnen you’ll enjoy it to some extent. Just the characters may give you a headache and the animation may make you gag at times.