
Nov 28, 2021
Mixed Feelings
I hated this anime, never have I wanted to murder an MC this much because how much of a beta cuck this dude is. Every single second when I hoped for a redemption arc and for the protag to stop being a pussy and actually choose a girl I would always be disappointed. And the worst thing is that the premise of the story is actually very interesting and has a ton of potential yet the author failed to treat it like a drama-romcom but rather than a harem. Admittedly I like harem, but the synopsis made it painfully obvious that this story was supposed to have only one heroine at the end and having that thought in mind, I cannot help but scream in agony after every episode where they would reinforce stupid situations where both girls have to lewd the MC or some shit making this already stupid and indecisive dude the more hesitant to choose. I don't even remember his name that's how forgettable and despicable the protag is he should have been in a damn hentai not a romcom. I know the manga MAY redeem this landfilll of an anime but I don't have much hope considering this guy literally two-timed his childhood friend whilst knowing it is absolutely impossible and illegal. When I watched infinite stratos I thought that Orimura was the worst and most boring ass MC out there but boy I was wrong this guy transcended the limit of garbage protagonists. I guess I enjoyed the waifus they were fine but my condolences that they have to date such a horrendous MC. The only decent and actually realistic character I found slightly likeable was Nisaka this dude acknowledged the fact that polygamy is impossible and tried to tell the MC but man even an adamantium drill can't get anywhere close to this dude's density and stupidity. The OP was also way too good for this anime and I admit the art was good, but unfortunately it couldn't redeem such a garbage show. Sorry if I sounded aggressive but this was the worst and most wasted show I have ever found in my life NEVER watch this unless you want to hit your head against a brick wall for 6 hours, don't get deceived by the seemingly interesting synopsis I was the same and regretted watching this immensely and wished I had amnesia to forget about this fuckfest
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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