
Sep 24, 2021
Preliminary (15/24 eps)
This is by far the most overhyped anime I have ever watched, and I have watched over 450 different animes so far. I have never before in my life felt so pissed off about an anime that I would drop it 16 episodes into a 24 episode season. I kept holding my breath hoping it would get better and for me, this anime just never got better. I have suffocated holding my breath for this long.

Everyone reading this review right now probably already has a gist of the plot - some 26 year old male protag goes back 12 years in time to basically change his future. Well, between the time the main protagonist was 12 years old to present day 26 year old, he has not changed 1 iota - developmentally, mentally, emotionally, physically, etc. The dude retains the same character stats including IQ that he had back when he was 10. Think of the dumbest character you probably know (like Naruto or something) and this Takemichi character is 10 times even dumber than that.

Common sense escapes this dude like no other main character I have ever seen before and it is absolutely frustrating for me. Perhaps, I am not the target audience for this show since I am a 26 year old working adult. Maybe kids under 12 would enjoy it more considering the setting of the anime. But that's the thing. You got a good anime if you can capture a wider demographic, like say My Hero Academic. Target audience is for young teens/young adults, yet there are people well into their 30s, 40s who find themselves enjoying the show regardless.


Okay, so we start off the beginning of the show with Takemichi experiencing a life/death situation and somehow magically is able to transport himself 12 years back in time. But only 12 years for some unknown reason and can only be triggered with a handshake with Naoto. Never further explained nor explored, kinda like Erased's time travel. Not a problem, I can take that plot point at face value. So we have some similarities, except the main character in Erased actually used his brain and strategized to fix his future. Here, we have a wild Takemichi that keeps impulsively throwing himself into dangerous situations (considering he is dealing with delinquents/gang members) and his adult self is already aware of what these types of people are - violent and dangerous. He even left town after middle school because he wanted to escape that life. Yet here he is, a No-Plan-Man superhero just jumping back into these gang disputes barely able to even string together a coherent sentence and explain things to other people around him like the adult he actually is, but somehow, expects himself to be able to change the future and be the hero of the day. He has done absolutely nothing to really prove himself in any way shape or form yet somehow expects himself to be some type of hero? What delusion of grandeur are you on man? Just makes me want to punch him in the face like all the other characters. At some point, I enjoyed seeing him get beat up because he is such an irritating character. Amazing how he just never learns and can never just put 2 and 2 together. He can somehow never dodge nor fight back at all. All he does is blackout and drop the floor with other characters waiting for him to wake up.

Also, throughout the entire 2/3 of the first season, it was repeatedly mentioned by Naoto and other characters over and over. Kisaki Tessa is a dangerous dude. OVER AND OVER he has had so many chances to MEMORIZE his name AND face AND try to learn more about this dude, but it just never crosses his mind at all. He just doesn't ever think about anything at all. It also never even crosses Naoto's brain to strategize more with Takemichi and provide him with more information. He's one stupid cop.

And then when Draken was bleeding out, Takebitchy just sits there and cries. Dude, call the ambulance! That is the first thing you do! And you know Draken was gonna die that night, so why don't you keep a better watch on him! This dude is seriously so clueless! And even better, he had to wait on the 2 girls to have the brilliant idea of calling the ambulance and the cops for him. That literally shoulda been your first thought. If you knew a gang battle was going to happen at that location at that time, then maybe go call the cops right away so that the fighting never gets the chance to escalate!

Another thing, we all get introduced to the characters but we don't really get to know their backstory except for Mikey and Draken. Everyone else remains basically a mystery. Considering how much Takebitchy is such a loser, I don't understand Hina's obsession with him. She was literally a character that was written just to exist and give the male main protag a love interest. But aside from that, she serves zero purpose. We also already know that Takebitchy left that lifestyle once, so why tf does he go back in time just to rejoin it and become even more involved in it? For the sake of saving her? That makes zero sense.

There's more to my complaining, but honestly, just a poorly written story with terrible character development. Other critical reviews probably have addressed the same if not similar points and more. This show is enjoyable for those who are sheep, aka incapable of critical thought, and likes to just take in everything without question. I can't believe how highly rated this anime is in MAL.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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