As of the first episode of Kira, it's absolutely terrible. I knew from the trailer that it was going to be bad but the whole thing turns out just to be an extended eroge sequence involving each of the main girls in turn.
DEEN have an opportunity to make an OVA for Higurashi, one of my favourite series, and they make this... this... abomination. Maybe the three episode arc will be vaguely less disgusting but going off this first episode I don't even know why I should bother continuing to watch it.
Rei had a similar thing with a silliness fun episode at the start but the main difference is that while Rei's first episode is the fun times which are more reminiscent of the actual Higurashi series Kira's first ep is entirely dedicated to Keiichi and three minor characters (being totally OUT of character) just fantasising perverted things. I have a high tolerance for fanservice but I had to say Rika's rubbing of her bum on a window making ecchi noises really got to me, she's what - nine?
Higurashi fans will probably watch this simply because it's Higurashi, so will I, but that doesn't mean you'll enjoy it. Frankly, it'd be better off not existing.