No spoilers. Well, maybe extremely mild ones.
This was a really bad anime. I managed to make it to the end primarily because I wanted to make sure nothing redeemed it, but nothing really did. It's a shame because there are so many aspects of the anime which are phenomenal. Off the top of my head, the fight choreography and strategic realism was dead on. And the animation was crisp and clean the whole way through. You never felt like a character was caught off guard by something obvious, and all the plots and plans of the various characters were legit deep and well thought out.
The issue is that the characters just suck. None of them are in any way likable, and many of the women are outright comedic in their inability to perform. The story was meh and there weren't any surprises. It was mainly over-dramatized but simplistic stuff. There was little development, only a bit of revelation. And even then the characters' motivations were entirely unbelievable. The only character with any development was Steve.
And because they do handle the combat aspects so well and so seriously, when they mess stuff up it seems all the more glaring. Like giving someone a scar in such a way which would have crippled them for life, or arrow-guns. And the music choices were atrocious, just nails on chalkboard. It could have been so good too, but it just feels like the people making it just needed to do more character work and humanization before they finished the script. And for pete's sake women in the military aren't wearing heels and skirts to the battlefield.
I recommend skipping this anime.