Wow, I can't believe no one wrote anything for this yet. Allow me to then :)
I've just completed the series, and I must say; this is simply stunning! A must-see if you haven't yet!
Shouldn't be much to explain here. The story follows the life of Ojii-san from when he was a kid to present-day. It shows how the new generation is always looking forward to new technologies and the "up-and-coming" inventions, but as they get older, they grow stubborn and wishes to stay with what they grew up with.
ART: 9
A simple, yet elegant art-style is used here, which fits in well with the characters. Soft colors work nice too. If you're planning to watch this, make sure you don't miss the scenes with the lighted lamps. They are stunning!
The BGM is the kind that really fades into the story so that you barely notice it. As there is very little action in Ojii-san no Lamp, do not expect anything particularly upbeat. There's nothing worth downloading to your MP3 player, but the music plays very well with the emotions of the scene.
Loved the character designs. As the story is about a Ojii-san's life as he grows up and have kids, it was an added bonus that you could connect the young Ojii-san to the older image of him. The style of the design follows the traditional Japanese dress, which is nice to see as well.
Loved it! If I was forced to critique, I would say that the emotional scene (I don't want to give too much away here) could have been turned up a notch or two. The story is beautiful, and I thought it was worth more tears than what was given in the animation.
If you haven't watched it yet, you're missing out!