I’m really baffled by the very low score of this one, to the point that I do not understand at all why would someone think it deserves such a low rating. It’s because DušaN is one of the best music video-type anime I’ve seen.
First, there is direction and animation by Kousuke Sugimoto, who again created an experimental animation that is just bliss to look at, and a welcomed break from generic style and character design that more ordinary anime tend to have. The surreal visuals greatly accompany the story, for reasons that would be a spoiler.
It is exactly the story at which DušaN excels above most music videos – as most music videos don’t even have something that could be fully considered a story. DušaN on the other hand manages to deliver idea, story and a plot twist that is better what some tv anime do with full-length tv episodes. I would certainly suggest watching this with subtitles (which do exist).
Lastly, the music by Saténové ruky (which is practically also what stands behind the story of this music video) is catchy and even now I still hum it from time to time, although if you really dislike the genre I can not guarantee you will enjoy the song the same as me.
Overall, since it’s just few minutes long just go and watch it.