
Aug 16, 2020
Everyone hop in, and prepare yourself, cause you're about to read a review so good, you'll give up watching anime, and dedicate your life to reading reviews, so much that you'll become a professionnal, like those professionnal reviewers, but what you'll review won't be ordinary things : You'll be reviewing reviews of animes. And I'll be the one who inspired you.
and to start, I'll do a Durarara review. I'll be reviewing the whole of durarara, the 4 seasons, but no spoils, don't be scared.

now that I (deservedly) got your attention (you won't regret it), let's get right into it !

just keep in mind : Durarara is not an anime like any other anime. It's narrative is original and there are a lot of character. Now, lots of animes have many characters, but durarara develops them all. that aint easy boy. I tried it, I didn't succed. True I was 8 years old and wanted to make a super-hero story after watching superman on TV, but my teacher said to me I was good at grammar so it's not like I was a compelte amateur.
Anyway, you got the gig of it. it's hard. but Durarara succeds.

I said Durarara was not an anime like any other anime. Forget that. it's an anime which assumes being anime. A lot of character are very "anime style" if you know what I mean. Some people might be deranged by that. Others may love it. For me, I took it as part of the story, and liked it for what it was. As I take not understanding half of the worlds in Shakespeare part of the story. Wether you like it or not, you gotta accept it. And hey, I love Shakepseare. So there's no reason for you to hate Durarara because you don't like one part of it, is there?

I talked a bit too much. Though what I said was important(especially the part about superman). but you can skip if you're out of time. I understand.
Now, I'll tackle each part of the anime like people do on this website, and let me give you a teasing : it's good.

Story : good.
they give you one of the character's POV (point of view), then, the next episode, another character's POV, and we see how that POV collides with the other character's POV, and how they interact between them. It's good. I said earlier that it had a lot of characters. another quality of Durarara is : they don't force every characters to appear on every episodes. that's the way, I loved it, you'll love it.

hentai : disappointing, but a lot of gay doujins between Shizuo and Izaya.
I know this isn't the author or the studio's fault, but we gotta talk about it. For such a popular anime, that no good doujins of Lucy was made really upsets me ! Hell, I didn't find any good Vorona porn ! Of course, you got all the porn about sonohra, coz she's got a big rack, but ya know, and I say that as a boob lover, boobs aren't everything. Especially when you've got a facking dulahan with super powers, who can make any and all situations happen as she wants. She can't even die, which makes for bonus torture hentai for some people, though not to my tastes, as a reviewers, I try to think of everybody.
The only thing I found in mass was Shizuo x Izaya gay doujins. Now it's not to my tastes, but for the ladies and the boy's lovers over there (I see you), that can make for some good time.
little tip about porn though : keep it once a day max. more is bad for your body and mind.

art : gooder.
I felt I was in this anime sometimes. the colors and drawings are good. Also, it's very well directed, and I really felt sometimes there really was a world in there. Very well done.

characters : good
As said before, they handle characters very well. There's lots of characters, with a lot of different values. they clash, they fight, they talk. it's interesting. Little bad point from me though : it's a bit moralist sometimes. don't worry, not too much. even for an "anti-morale" like me, it was acceptabe, and I loved it.

enjoyment : good
I loved it. it was good. very good.

best girl : good
There was some fight over who best durarara girl is(back when it aired), that generaly means its got some good girlz. and it doez. it's got variety of personnality, of looks and of goals.
-You got you shy big boobed-girl who happens to be a coward who flees herself and lets some legendary katana love others for her. it's not a good situation but it's hard, I encourage her.
-You got your headless legend who, as said before, would make good porn but I almost didn't find any. she's an interesting character, cause she's just a body who wants to find her head.
-later, in S2, comes vorona, a russian assassin, who should deffinitely start a psychoanalysis because she wants to destroy everything including her. I wish she'd destroy me in bed.

sound : very good.
very very good. adapted to the anime. diversity. well played. little bad thing is that there's no more OSTs added in S2 but it starts again and we get some more diversity so it's good.
really, one of the anime with the best OSTs out there. And it's got a few great openings.

best boy : good.
again, not my tastes, but an anime reviewer, I think of everybody. Main fight for best boi is Izaya and Shizuo.
-Izaya, he's not your typical antagonists, but very "anime-ish". He loves humans and wants to see and observe them. That also means he flees himself cause he's too scared to be scarred by others. oops, little scaredy cat. But I like him.
-Shizuo, superhuman dude who hates violence but spends his time destroying his enemies.
now, little spoiler : they don't bang. kiss, either. In fact, they hate each others. Sorry for you ladies and boy's lovers, as mentioned before, you'll have to search porn of it yourself. Their Rivalry dates as far as high school, that's gonna make some people's imagination run wild. And it already has.

name : good
Its japanese name is "DRRR!!" which I find funny.

Now, that's the end of my review. Feel free to click on "helpful", for I didn't only try to shitpost but to say what I was feeling about this anime. it's good, watch it.

PS : pm me your best Lucy porn pls
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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