
Aug 15, 2020
After this show being on hold for 2 years or so I finally found the motivation to struggle through this show and I have to say it was worth it. Well, it was still a bit overhyped since I do not believe it deserves number 1 spot. I can totally understand why this show is very popular, but not gonna lie, the first 15 episodes or so are not that good. It gets so much better somewhere around episode 30. There is a previous adaptation of this from 2003 but it is not that good and it has quite a bit of filler and it changes things here and there.

Story: These two brothers named Edward and Alphonse Elric lived happily until the day their mother had died. These boys learned alchemy and they tried to resurrect their dead mother, but since human transmutation is taboo and probably not possible, they both made great sacrifices, Edward lost his arm and leg while Alphonse lost his entire body. Now that they have seen the "truth" they can do alchemy without a transmutation circle. Now they start their quest to get their original bodies back. Along their journey they do many things such as make new friends, lose important people, help people, destroy a false god and many more great things. An important part of the story are Homonculi which are artificial humans which are made from philosopher's stone which is made by sacrificing multiple human beings. Along their journey they meet all the 7 deadly sins who are homonculi. All of them have their own unique design and power.

Characters: The cast is very unique I would say. Our main hero Edward is a state alchemist called Fullmetal Alchemist. He is heroic, stubborn and he gets angered quite easily. Due to his height of 148 centimeters he is called little by many people and that ticks him off. Alphonse is Edwrads younger brother. Due to his height and his metallic body, people call him the Fullmetal Alchemist. He is more calm and he is stronger than his older brother. Winry Rockbell is Edwards and Alphonses childhood friend and an automail engineer. Automails are metal prostetics. She cares deeply about the elric brothers but can act quite stubbornly about stuff. Von Hohenheim is the Elric Brothers dad. He is a living philosopher's stone. He is probably my favourite character in the series. He is calm, smart and epic as heck.
Roy Mustang is the flame alchemist. He is probably the deadliest alchemist towards humans and homoculi since he can burn all of them to dust. When he is angry he is one scary mofo, mostly he is calm goofball. There are more great characters to write about but I am too lazy. The supporting cast in this show is amazing. So many great characters.

OST: There are many good tracks here and there. For openings most of them are good. Only the second one kinda sucked in my opinion. My favourite was probably number 4.

This show is a good place to start when watching anime. SO this is a good gateaway anime. If there is something I mildly dislike is the comedy. Don't get me wrong there is some hilarious moments here and there. But at least in the start is was not that funny. The I guess forced chibification of the characters got real annoying at one point but it kinda stopped somewhere in the middle.

If you like shounen anime or just good story and animation I recommend this anime. TBH I think this is one of them must watch anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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