When it comes to short comedy manga then ,,How to Treat a Lady Knight Right" is one of my favourite ones. Despite the premise being rather simple the execution is very good and it's a joy to read. So if you're looking for some short cute romance manga then boy oh boy I've got a thing for you.
For most of the manga the plot is nearly non-existent, the main story is about a romance between Fooly and Leo but apart from that there's really not a lot going on. In the last parts of the manga there is an bigger thematic arc but it's really not that interesting. The thing is that this manga works without having a plot, it's mainly about seeing how characters react to a lot of fun scenarios and the manga really delivers on that aspect. If you're looking for a deep story with interesting themes and characters then this one is not for you but if you're down for short cute harem story then don't hesitate to give this one a shot.
The characters are this mangas main strenght, most of them are really one dimensional and their character could be explained in one sentence but they play off each other well and that's what matter. Each character offers a different experience so you'll definitely like at least few of them. Obviously the most interesting ones are Leo and Fooly who's relationship is adorable to watch and it never gets boring.
The art
Since each chapter is only 8 pages long there's really no place for the author to shine but one thing could be said, it's consistent what's supposed to look well looks well but not much stands out. The characters are well designed and all of the important one are easily recognizable but that's about it, there's nothing that would make you want too look for all of the hidden nuances that the author had putten there. Obviously much care has been put into abs' design so they look really well and given that we see quite a few of them you should be satisfied.
Overall it's a really fun story, desptie being short I'll have really fond memories of it. I'd definitely recommend giving it a try.