
Jul 2, 2020
I've just finished the first season, because I know the second season should be airing now/soon. Well, let's start with the (not too) 'negative' aspects.

CHARACTERS (6/7). Judging the characters is a bit difficult. I think the two brothers, that are the main male leads have a well defined personality; their choices and their opinions are coherent with their psychological evolution. The spirit guardians are also nicely scripted, and they have a sense of loyalty that makes me fell the historical Chinese warrior-lord relationship and which makes them more interesting than some narcissistic/stubborn/selfish servants of the Fate series (but I don't want to compare them cause I love the Fate franchise and they are different things, it's just something I was thinking right now). It would be a 7 for them. What I didn't like is the villain and the female lead. I'm not going to spoiler, let me just say that I think the villain has a bit of a cliche-personality, that could have been more acceptable IF there had been a deeper psychological analysis or development (like their relationship with their guardian spirit). The female lead is also a cliche and she disappointed me. Since in several occasions they pointed out her idea of gender as an obstacle to find her place in society etc, I was expecting a development of the character; instead, in the end she is literally useless. I understand that she is new to this world, but even her dialogue make her seem like a complete idiot. I mean, c'mon, give her something interesting to say...she has only a passive role of running away, being treated as a nanny, being scolded, repeating what others tell her. She literally doesn't have a personality. For these last reasons, I would give 6 to the characters.

ART (7) cannot compete with most recent Japanese productions, but it has nothing to be ashamed of compared to some American and French productions that have been aired on European TV channels. It is not my first donghua and, considering the current stage of development of the Chinese donghua market, this is a full 7 for me. 2D animation is absolutely enjoyable, but some fighting scenes switch to a cheap 3D animation, that kinda ruins the mood. But, again, overall this is a good product.

SOUNDTRACK (9). I want to talk about the ost right after ART because the soundtrack is what made a lot of lower quality scenes enjoyable and powerful. I am really sensitive towards good soundtracks. I have to recognize it: I think I heard only 5 pieces throughout the donghua and they were perfect for the scene and helped setting the pace of many fights. The opening is short and gave me this 'yeah, let's rock and be strong together'-vibe. The ending is also well played and I love the integration of a few traditional opera notes.

STORY (8). I can't say too much, because I want to avoid spoilers, but the last episodes set some turning points and reveal some unexpected truths that bring the plot to the next level, transforming an otherwise good but banal action in something a bit more intriguing.

ENJOYMENT (8). I binge-watched it in three days during my lunch and dinner breaks from studying. It has been really entertaining and 'light' . The episodes are shorter than the usual 20 minutes ep, so you really want to go on to know what happens next. After the first episodes, the pace gets better and the past-present narration keeps your attention and interest high.

OVERALL? I would use a 9 if I were being listening to my personal tastes and to the feelings I have after the last few episodes about the past (who knows will know), as well as to my recent desire to get to know Chinese donghua better, trying to be open-minded with cheap products or ONAs, and to the freshness this anime gave me. But, summing up all the marks I gave before and trying to be more objective, I would say an 8 is a fair grade.

Sorry, that's my first review and I'm not good at being brief...Hope it was helpful! Bye bye!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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