While this Dragon Ball movie acts as the "series finale epilogue" to Dragon Ball Z, with an amped up budget and a way more character-centric plotline, it ultimately falls a short of greatness. The story is thankfully not Goku-centric at all (up until the finale where Goku saves the day as he is contractually obliged to), and the new character Tapion is super compelling. However, the story beats are haphazardly laid out and the added Plot Heftiness doesn't pan out like they were hoping. It prob ably needed another thirty minutes, or needed to be a full TV show story arc. It's only pretty good, in the end.
Since they just recently redid the Broly movie into a new "canon" storyline, how about they redo the Tapion story into another movie or TV arc? I assume they'll do more in the near future, especially after the Broly movie made bank around the world, so Tapion would be a really good choice for a character to expand on. He's a character with really good potential, even if it wasn't fully reached here.
In terms of continuity? It fits! It takes place after the end of the series and has no contradictions with anything in the show; unless there's something in all the new movies and in Super (none of which I've seen), then it works! Yay!