At the beginning, I really hated this series.
The 3D graphic and character movement looked so unnatural and the protagonist was so annoying.
The story was weird, the monsters ugly and I didn't like the behavior of the most characters.
The protagonist thinking he was better than everyone else and he aggressively was hard to endure, but on the other hand, this made a great room for character development.
Unfortunately, this happened way too late, and even if it made sense from a story point of view, but for everyone who might not like the protagonist, the first part of the Anime would be relatively horrible.
(The same thing with Milo by the way, just in a little bit less annoying form)
But episode after episode this Anime got better.
I started to like the characters, the story begun to become something really good and if I just had to rate the last 3 episodes, this anime surly would get a 8-9, but unfortunately, the beginning wasn't good at all.
But I appreciate the idea and the way it was told.
For everyone who is okay with Netflix Anime, which aren't "real" Anime from my point of view, this Anime developed into something quite good, if you are able to endure the worst things in the beginning.
I was just glad I didn't drop it, and I encourage you to endure the same.
I think it could be worth it.