The worst anime I've ever watched.
A complete waste of my time yet I still finished it (how and why is still beyond me)
The story is awful, there is no overall meaning just death, blood, screams and then it may come as surprise (oh wait it isn't)....DEATH.
The art was decent not the best, but decent I give it that.
I couldn't find myself sympathizing to any of the characters except for one little fella with four-legs that has approximately 5 seconds of screen time.
I should have put 1 on the enjoyment, but I suppose that the fact I finished it would mean something kept me in front of the screen ( again it's beyond me why I lasted till the end).
I'll not comment on the end, because it had no value, no meaning and the last hint about continuation of the series made the last patience cells in my head explode. I remember slamming my laptop shut and spending 20 minutes reflecting on why I wasted two days of my life watching this.....s**t.