Okay I’m back with another monthly review and this time I’m going to review Angel Beat. Originally I was about to review on Durarara Series but Angel Beats just blew my mind. Just like my previous anime review which was erased, it took me 7 hours in total to finish this series without skipping the opening but I skip the ending.
Story: The story revolves Otonashi Yuzuru, a dude who woke up in the middle of a school. Confused so he asked a girl what happened and where is he. The girl he asked is Nakamura Yuri the leader of a movement called Shindai Sekai Sensen or the Afterlife battle front. She explains the he is in the afterlife. After some hard thinking he join the Afterlife battlefront. So the story blew my mind. It’s just like a rollercoaster or in this case heartbeat where it goes up down and up down. To put it in a simple word, the story is basically elements such as drama, romance, mystery, and comedy put into a mixer bowl and you turn on the mixer to create a dough or in this case an episode with emotional mess. However, Angel Beat execute those mixed elements very well. There are many anime that those this however, Angle Beat execute this very well. You never know where the story is going to go its unpredictable. It tends to shock the viewer or audience that it will drive them crazy and just join them for the rollercoaster ride.
Art: I do not really care about the animation. I care more about the story but I can that Angel Beat have one of the best art style I’ve ever seen. If I put it in my ranking list, I would say that Angel Beat is no.2 behind Demon Slayer. I love the animations because firstly, I don’t see any CG being used or for what I’ve seen. I really love the character design because it makes them look like a high school military/police agent or straight up edgelord. The guns design are the best for me. I love how detail they look and when they are loaded they look really authentic in some sort of ways. In the opening Yuri load her handgun and oh boy I love that scene for ever. The school itself is Meh in my opinion. I mean it’s ok but not as good as the school in Koi To Uso in my opinion.
Sound: Do you know the logo for this anime? Yes, it is a heartbeat and oh boy this anime’s music just makes your heart go beyond the sky like you’re going to shout PLUS ULTRA 1 million times. Okay so the music is just amazing wait… beyond that actually. The soundtrack really fits the scene very much and I won’t complain. Most of the soundtracks just make you have goosebumps and tingling feelings on your spine. I love the soundtrack so much that my favorite one is called Angel’s Flight and oh boy if you try to imagine that as a heartbeat, you will fall in love with this anime. The song itself is art I must say. The soundtrack can control your emotions and how you react in a certain scene and they execute these types of things very well. Don’t forget to mention the opening my beats your soul by LIA. Man, LIA drove me nuts again. First in Charlotte now in Angel Beat. The opening is a rollercoaster itself if I must say. The soundtrack is a gigantic mess of emotion in it well.
Character: The character is well written and well thought out. I really love their design as I just said but I also like they’re unique personality and they all play well in the anime. All I can say is the character are the best and well written. For me the best character is 100 Percent TK.
Enjoyment: I really enjoy this series so much. It gives me joy and most of all I love the humor a lot. I cannot count how much time I burst into laughter and how much I almost cried. Damn Koe no Katachi and Angle Beat might be the most saddest anime I’ve watched so far oh and Naruto as well. This anime force me to keep on watching without skipping some cliché of stupid scene. The soundtrack kinda makes it the glue or something. I always look forward to explore the plot more just like Erased and Shinsekai Yori. I really love this anime and I made this anime my new favorite in term of everything actually.