This franchise is horribly underrated. It's better than good and it's definitely better than so much of the crap that has a 7+ rating.
When it comes to voice acting and art, Hyakka Ryouran is top notch. Nothing changes from the first season you can still watch the anime just to see the art. The voice acting is just as good as the first season. Still hitting the right notes and really conveying the situation.
The story line is more focused on comedy and less on climactic battles. While the first season managed a very good balance between comedy and drama. Tjos season just doesn't manage it. Too much of the comedy is kick Knetsuga when she is down and then laugh at it. A little bit of that goes a long way, but when you literally have entire episodes devoted to it, you kill the joke.
You have a bunch of new characters and the old ones develop. Sen and Yukimurra really surface their inner nastiness. There were so many times where I was just rooting for the bad guys in their fights. Hanzo and Matabe demonstrate their loyalty to their respective mistresses without ever asking why they are loyal. Jubei, Munei, are all what they are no reall development but you see them being themselves. Gisen is still a cipher.
TL:DR if you appreciated Samurai Girls, you'll enjoy Samurai Bride but maybe not quite as much.