Right off the bat Ive just got to say, this is an amazing series.
This anime was honestly such a breath of fresh air with it being an isekai with a female main protaganist. We dont have nearly enough of those so this series was such a treat to watch. In the same vein Slice of life anime in my opinion have sort of reached a wall of originality or at least Im sort of tired of them so getting a slice of life anime about adventurer girls doing their day to day life is the perfect combination. It took my love for Isekai anime, and my love for Slice of Life anime, and combined them making this beautiful creation.
The cast is absolutely lovable and all have a quirk of some sort to give them character. Mile doesnt know about the absurdness of her powers leading to some hilarious reactions when she unleashes it, Pauline is the classic cunnning merchant and the girl you really dont want to anger as when you do you know you're screwed. Reina is the typical tsundere but she can still have her moments, and finally the wannabe knight girl Mavis. Not much to say on her she's bascially the straight man always getting left behind in which she can bring more comedy to the table. My personal favourites were Mile and Pauline which I liked equally as much as the other and couldnt decide on an absolute favourite.
Comedy in this series is great. I was constantly smiling throughout the runtime of the anime and every time Mile walked up to start fighting I couldnt wait to see what she'd do and most importantly the reactions of those around her. Luckily her party dont get used to the absurdness for a while so we get some absolutely classic reactions lol. There is some really funny reoccuring jokes throughout the series such as Mile hiding the fact that she's a reincarnet by saying "Its a family secret." everytime. The comedy in this series is just as wholesome as the series itself which made me smile throughout it all so its definitely a good comedy watch.
I cant do a review of this series without talking about its OP. The OP is SOOO CATCHY!!! One thing I love about this OP and OPs of this anime season is they have some sort of quirk that makes it stand out from the rest. With this anime's OP its got this really funny "Waho Waho" that I cant stop dancing to whenever it comes on and imitating the move XD. The OP is sung by the cast which is cute and pretty standard for these types of anime but nonetheless is very enjoyable to watch and listen to. There is this one section where they have some really weird power ranger dance and I cant stop laughing everytime I see Pauline's dance.
The art is cute and moeblob so all the girls look cute and the series immedietly gives off that wholesome slice of life vibe. Because of its wholesome content, lovable characters and really funny comedy this anime is one of the most re-watchable series Ive seen and Im happy to have more re-watchable anime for my collection.
Overall absolutely loved this series. Its one of my new favourite slice of life anime and since its a fantasy Isekai with a female lead its even more re-watchable.
9/10 Highly recommend to any Isekai, Comedy or Slice of Life fans wanting some cute girls doing cute things in another world.
Dec 23, 2019
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