alright. so i gave the story a 3 because for one i didnt like how it ended at all. it was retarted. if you watch it be prepared for a let down. the art was pretty good the peopl ewere well animated and i thought that they were alright. the sound was good. the characters well.... i gave that a 7 being good. i didnt find most of the characters to my liking. I didnt enjoy it that much. i mean yes i watched all of it out of curiosity but i didnt like it as much after a certain point. i thought the ending... you know what... don tlet me even get started on the ending and what i thought. okay so basically what im saying is that i enjoyed this anime to a point then after that i was like "omg whens it going to be over" hhhahaaha well. you've been warned.
If you are bored and want to watch a drama infested anime then go right ahead. this is your thing right here. :3
Nov 27, 2010
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