Includes a naked Furuya and Sawamura playing instruments. If that alone doesn't convince you then I don't know what will.
There's Sassy Haruichi which I LIVE for. I've never loved his passive aggressiveness this much in my life!
You've got the stupid seniors doing stupid things, Miyuki being the only sane one around (and still the cutest!), and Raichi the instrument destroyer. Narumiya Mei makes his grand appearance (that arrogant adorable bastard!) and Coach Kataoka just lets everyone run W I L D.
It's a great time, I assure you. Who cares about baseball??? The Ace of the Band is where it's at.
Suffice to say...this needs an OVA adaptation. Pronto. I'll fund it, I don't care.
This is supposed to be a dumb spinoff, okay guys? So don't take it too seriously and you'll enjoy it ;)