It's short and weird enough that it's probably worth reading, but the available English fan translation quality and the manga's quality itself make it very confusing and underwhelming. It has some interesting full-colour visuals with the tank-mech things rendered via 3DCG. The quality of it all is poor, but it's cool to see colour manga at least.
The story is centered around these very awkward-looking, awkward-operating tank-mechs and a two-sided war. It's hard to understand exactly why they're fighting or what they're fighting for, exactly. The main characters seem to be a bit more egalitarian and less blood-hungry than the other faction, but there's so little context supplied. The little skirmishes that comprise the majority of this are incredibly hard to follow as well.
It can be read in 20-30 minutes, so it's probably worth checking out, but it's incredibly disappointing, especially considering the slight amounts of potential it showed.