I think that for anime adaptation of anything it can be approached by different possibilities. It's either you read the material and then watched the anime or you know some details about the source material but haven't really read it or you completely watched the anime without knowing anything. With the tokyo ghoul franchise I knew the existense of the manga and some minor details about it so my opinion on the entire anime series only rely on what the community is telling me and some small research.
Story 1/10: I have no idea what the hell is going on.
The first season while feels rushed and incomplete it was still entertaining and knowing that it was only the first season I knew the possibilities for deeper exploration on the origin of the of the ghouls and characters can still happen in future seasons. Then root A happened. And then re and finally this re season 2. Idk what got to me thinking that things will get better when it isn't the case for this anime franchise. Things just happens and every episode I give less shit about what's happening and just waited for the anime adapt the highlight of the manga which 9/10 doesn't fucking happens and if does happen I just couldn't care since the anime's pacing is way too fast. Characters just appears and dies or tell you that they're dead but not really? What the hell man!
Characters 1/10 I counted 73 characters listed on this anime and has only 12 episodes.
This is the anime's biggest mistake. Whoever was in-charge thought that they can fit 73 characters under 12 episode and expects the viewers to care about them. Is that a joke? If I didn't look it up I'll probably only remember 15 name if I really tried and that's not including their significance in this anime since most the characters introduced in this anime just dies 5 minutes after their introduction or the worst offenders are those characters that "died" in previous season but SURPRISE WE'RE HALF-GHOUL NOW AND NOT REALLY DEAD. Kaneki changes personalities with each new season that really doesn't make any sense at all seriously he can be in the transformer's franchise. Finally Rize the most interesting character seems like an after thought and they just added her back when they remembered the viewers we're looking for her. I still can't believe how she died right from the beginning from the dumbest reason and kaneki a half-ghoul turns into a god mode when the plot calls for it.
Sound/Art 2: it's just there.
With poor story and characters I really couldn't care about the sound anymore. I only watched the entirity of the series just for the manga highlight at this point so watching it raw or without sound doesn't really matter. They also used the same trick from re season 1 and making the battle happen at night so less censoring will be noticed.
Enjoyment 3: The saving grace fight that I thought would make the anime at least more enjoyable was so dull I stopped caring anymore for anything.
I won't lie, the teaser from re season 1 for kaneki vs. Arima got me interested and thought they'll fix my biggest disappointment in root A but no they just fought in a white place and everything else was extremely underwhelming. From there I just watched this trainwreck just because I watched the previous 3.
Overall 2: Watch season 1 read the manga and the 2 ova. I don't know what got me to finish this anime but here we are. If you really loved this anime I envy you since you found enjoyment in something I tried to like but couldn't.
Dec 27, 2018
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