A proper title for this anime is "King's game the Animation: What would happen if Corpse Party have 12 episodes?" Because that's how I truly felt about this anime after thinking about it. This is the kind of anime that I hate the most since I gave it the benefit of the doubt that it will be an ok anime that has a balance of good and bad merits to it. But in the end I realize how awful this anime is and asked myself why I didn't drop it. In the end, the bad outweighs the good by a landslide.
The good: I sort of like the ending (not really) because I kinda like the status of the winner of the kings game that being the one you'd least expect to win. Everything else is bad.
Story 2: It's bad. The thing is the story is so unengaging that I can only remember some bits of it. My main issue with the story however is the way they "tried" to tell 2 different stories AT THE SAME TIME (I wish I was making this shit up but look at the adaptation part of this anime) so it's no surprise I can't enjoy this anime because I constantly have to remind myself that they are telling two (2) stories at the same time and I have to figure out if they are telling the story of part 1 or 2. Having 20 to 30 characters to keep up is already difficult, multiplying that twice is just insane. The sad part is the story could've work since it's a basic follow the order or die type of story.
Art and sound 3: although I'm not good at giving critism at this area I will say that the style looks older than the one's that aired in 2017 and since this is a "horror" anime it's usually dark most of the time. The soundtrack as whole is forgettable.
Characters 3: out of 60+ characters I only kinda like one of them. And oddly enough it's Rionna mainly because she's a side character and it took me by surprise that SPOILERS she wins at the end. Idk she just reminded me of a different anime character. The other characters however: the main guy is the typical "I survived a death game and I have to enter again and try and warn others while being unconvincing and creepy." Then their's the yandere wannabe bitch voice by yui horie. The blue haired girl that decided to fuck her lover's bestfriend. The 2 annoying best friend of the lead character that believes in everything the protagonists says that dies. And a LOT more that I forgot and are pointless to search for.
Enjoyment 3: the only enjoyment I had was the corpse party like death that's way over the top that it becomes funny rather than being scary. Character decisions that's so stupid you can make a drinking game out of it.
Overall 2: I had my hopes for this anime since the description seems decent however my hopes took a huge dive as the series goes on. You have to keep your attention up just to get a gasp of what's happening on screen, however because I dislike the main characters so much keeping my attention on screen was a task on it's own and I hate it when watching anime feels like becoming a task just keep up with the story.
Will I recommend it? It's your time, knock yourself out. But there are far more better anime with the same genre done 100 times better.
Aug 20, 2018
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