I actually liked the first episode of the series, thought it was going to focus on the photography aspects of love and romance, but as time goes on, I noticed something, this is basically every single cliche in romance plus comedy bundled into one, does not make it a bad thing.
I will keep this short so bare with me.
Mislead for me from the start, I just expected something else.
Why a 5? It just seems rather cliche and seen before story, a weeb comes to Japan with her friend who so happens to be a guardian and vows to protect her, yeah I haven't seen that before what new revolutionary concept, take notes J.C Staff.
But yeah, from the episodes that happened later, like the photography chase and all, it just felt anti-climatic and one sided and plus that monkey guy just seems a pain
The Rainbow Shogan joke didn't get all at all.
Really colorful and bright plus very fluid most of the time, just some moments there are slip ups but I like the art style and constituency
Nice op and Ed, background music, not at all, just your typical romance anime background music.
Cannot stand a single character other than the blond dude, you have the blond weeb who loves Samurais, the red head chick who wants to protect, a black haired stoic guy, the glasses girl (obviously she is the representative she has braids) a blond play boy and a friend seen as a animal, creative bunch of people.
I do not know what to feel, it just got old in a few episodes and the amount of cliches is starting to bother me as there is nothing new being introduced.
6 overall.
I expected something much more, but it turns out to be your everyday typical romance anime, I had seen enough in the past and I want something to stand out and introduce new elements, at least this is a relaxing watch.
Rainbow Shogun got old the second weeb said it.