
Apr 12, 2018
This is a series that I still maintain could have definitely been expanded into something much, much longer and would have been all the better for it. "C", for me, is the promise of what could have been, the anime has some fantastic bones and a really great, really interesting concept which could have really been a sturdy foundation for at least a second season, though I think the more they could have elaborated on it and explored it all, the better. "C" was an anime I had no idea of going in and I was blown away by how much I enjoyed it, it's definitely an anime I'll always be fond of even if I think that 1) the "romance" moments are so forced and awkward they border on self-aware, 2) the few moments of fan service are not needed and break the tension, and 3) the entire thing was wrapped up way, way too quickly. Maybe I'm weird and a little too analytical for my own good, but I would have loved this anime to have been as long as possible and really delve into all of the aspects, the characters, and the plot lines which a series focused around economics could explore. The idea of an economics anime doesn't sound like something that would be as good as it was, but, while I'm very sad that it was never really given a chance, "C" is an anime I'll always cherish as one of the biggest surprises I've gotten in my experience with the media, it really shocked me how good it was, how much sense it all made within its own world, and how brilliant and genius the whole thing was. Whoever came up with this needs to do more work because they are brilliant, but, now, I guess all I can do is fantasize about all the places that this anime could have taken me. :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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