Your Name is a brilliantly and beautifully made anime. Shinkai is well known for long distance romances, and Your Name is no exception.
The story is executed really well. This is a body swap romance story that shows how Mitsushi and Taki gradually get to know each other by living in each others bodies. It is well paced and shows how their lives interacted and what their daily lives were like effectively. The gradual buildup to the climax is executed brilliantly and was certainly an emotional rollercoaster.
Although I wished there was more character depth. Mitsuha and Taki’s character’s were never really explored, and their motivations and personal struggles weren’t shown much. This certainly made it more difficult to relate to the characters. However all the characters are very likeable and showed their personalities and day to day challenges in a way which is very relatable.
The animation was brilliant, the amount of detail to every scene was phenomenal, from the outdoor scenes, to Tokyo city. This is very similar to Shinkai’s previous films as well.
Your Name is a fantastic drama romance story, the characters could of been explored more but I would still highly recommend this film, especially if you’re a fan of Shinkai’s films.
Any constructive feedback would be appreciated :)