
Mar 22, 2018
Angel Beats! Is an anime I was fairly excited to watch going in. The pretty animation, the beautiful opening song, and the strong visual designs of the characters all appealed me to watch the show, but does it hold up story and character wise?

Pretty animation and sound cannot save an anime if it's truly bad *cough cough* SAO *cough cough*
But thankfully, this anime didn't really need good animation and sound to be decent, it's just the bonuses that make it, well, good.

The story is simple enough, kids who died before being able to be content with their lives get sent to a purgetory type place where they must fulfil their goal before leaving. That's about it honestly.

Each character has their own backstory, but too be fair, they're not too great mostly, many of them being overused. Girl's siblings tragically killed? Seen it. Guy has a crappy life until something turns it around but he dies tragically? Meh. Sick girl gets a heart transplant? Okay.
Unfortunately, these were pretty average indavidual back stories, and the side characters were honestly more interesting...

Characters were nice, I liked the comedy and that's what kinda saved this show for me. If the characters weren't good, this would just get a 5/10.

Overall, I'd suggest this show to people not looking for a super deep plot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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