
Jun 17, 2010
All I can say for this show is,
Way to make a come-back! :) bd

After what must have been a Decade, the good folks at FUNimation™ decided to resurect one of the greatest titles of the Anime genre.
I must say I really enjoyed seeing all my favourite Characters again, seemingly unchanged by the passage of time. Even the seyuu's (voice actors) were exactly the same as I remembered them.

Considering that this particular title was one of my childhood-favourites, I can safely say that Justice has been done to the Series, as "Slayers - Rvolution" follows the show's recepy of 3-parts Comedy, 2-parts Mayham and Destruction almost to-the-letter, which tastes GREAT btw ^_^ me on that.

That is not to say that the series has no plot-line however. Far from it, "Evolution-R" again honures it's predecessor by implementing it's usual style whacky, almost incoherent antics (Lina blows-up another town for no-good-reason),
Incohensible arcane Misteries (no one yet knows what Xellos's DEAL is! "'s a Secret *wink*"),
And of course a healthy dosage of slapstick Comedy (Goury trips on his cape ...again)

That baing said, Slayers Revolution & Evolution-R are the best sequels a Show of this calliber could have been blessed with,
...Zelgadis is still an Insensitive prick however :(
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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