
Dec 21, 2017
Down the anime rabbit hole I go.

The King's Game is the worst anime I have ever seen.
Am not kidding. The King's Game is the most terrible piece of shit I ever had sat through
I honestly shocked at the anime director’s ability to blow all expectations of god-awful anime that are popping out from the rabbit hole.
When I aware that was I say this is the worst anime I have seen that it comes with the expectations of this somehow being worse than the likes of Big Order, Handshakers, and Eromanga Sensei which before I saw this they were the worst animes I have ever seen.
I had no interest in watching this show because I thought it’s one of those shitty novel adaptions that pop up in every anime season. The only reason why I ever decided to watch this show in the first place because a couple of my friends were watching it and they told it’s an another Mayoiga which was one of the best B movie type anime I have ever seen. It may be a garbage series overall but least it had the so bad its good charm which is the only reason I gave that series a 2/10 only because it had good comedy. However, I cannot say the same thing for King's Game this show is one of the most insulting, embarrassing, unfunny, lazy and inept anime I had ever had the displeasure of witnessing. Am going to end my intro here because this fucking piece of horse shit does not deserve my intro since this show clearly don't even give a fuck about anything so why should I.

The story of Kings Game follows Nobuaki Kanazawa who transferred to a high school. Due to the events of the last King Game his now afraid of getting intimate with his new classmates. Very soon he starts to open up to his classmates during the sports festival class relay. However, this doesn’t last long as he and his classmates received an email from "King and from there start to go down.

Before I kick the show back to the anime rabbit hole. the King’s Game is.
Ousama Game or King’s Game in English is a game where a class of 32 people takes part in the survival game. Each student will receive a message from phones about the King order that they have to follow or else they will be punished/killed. Why did I explain this because the King Game is the worst survival game I have seen in fiction. Not only it’s contrived as hell as well being poorly constricted but the game keeps adding new rules that were not told from the first episode of the anime.
Besides the King’s Game itself being a broken mess this show writing is abysmal as well having some of the worst shock value I have seen in anime.

It doesn’t help the fact that the show relays heavily on the fucking flashbacks. Flashbacks, in general, are fine as long they have a purpose but Kings Games really got carried away with this. This show likes to random flashback to the previous King’s Game as well dealing with the current King’s Game that is going on in this anime and because of that, the show’s pacing is fucking broken!!! This show has the worst pacing I have ever seen in anime.

What’s makes the pacing worse is the broken narrative. One of the best examples of the show’s fucking horrendous narrative is in episode 5 where the entire episode was a flashback of the events of the last King Game and the episode never goes back to the current King’s Game that is currently happening. It would have been better if the show did this episode 1 would have been dedicated to showing off the new King’s Game was happening then have it where our main character Nobuaki actually tells his experience with the previous kings game to everyone in the class than you have the next 3 to 5 episodes showcase all the events of previous King' Game. I know it will be a flashback but do you know what it makes more sense in the narrative than you could have the last several episodes being dedicated to the actual true story that we are dealing with which is the current kings game instead of every episode in the show where it goes from the flashback of the last King's Game as well showing a little bit of the actual episode itself that isn't a flashback. In short, the narrative of this show is a fucking mess.

Now if you though the pacing and narrative of this show are broken the show decides to butcher serious sensitive topics such as rape/forced sex to the point where it becomes a joke because almost all of the order has something to do with sex and rape.
I CANNOT FUCKING STAND IT WHEN ANIME INCLUDE SENSITIVE TOPIC SUCH SEX AND RAPE IN THEY NOVELS!!! I swear the director for this show must be a disgraceful human being who thinks rape and forced sex is normal.

The characters in The King’s Game are just moving bodies with edgy and cringe-worthy personalities. The characters have no character development in the slightest, and they are not even likable. Every single character except for 1 which I will get into a bit are idiots.
Kanazawa Nobuaki is a horrendous mentally broken down protagonist.
Natsuko is a shitty nice girl type of a character who has a psychopathic side to her
Naoya is your cookie cutter best friend type character.
Ria is the only character in this show that I can consider to be kinda decent. Unlike every other human being in this show, she’s the only character that has a decently told back-story that we can relate too.
It such a shame that she gets killed off after a certain episode in the series.
However, Ria alone cannot save this pathetic excuse of a character cast.

The rest of the characters are all utter shit that you don’t ever care for because they all have a brain size of Homer Simpson and they are all dumber than rocks. They are not even worth mention in the slightest.
In short, the characters in this show are a fucking failure in every way possible.

Before I tear apart the visuals am going to talk anime studio Seven. Before they did this show they have done shows such as I can’t understand what is my husband is saying and Hentai.
Boring background designs, shitty characters designs mixed with pathetic animation, camera directing, still frames and lots of budget cuts that rival episode 4 of Tokyo Ghoul Root A.

It’s like this show was originally meant to be a Hentai but some dumbass from studio seven decided to censor most the sexual acts visually and decided to add a plot that is contrived as hell.
Am just going to end the visuals selection here since this show clearly doesn't give fuck about anything.

The soundtrack is dull and just plain bad.
The opening of the show FEED THE FIRE" by coldrain is a great song and its easily the best thing about the anime then again if the best thing about your anime is an anime opening that can be downloaded to your phone as an mp3 file you know fucked up.
The ending theme is generic and it not even worth mentioning at all.
As for sub and dub, they are both mediocre overall and they are not even worth mentioning at all. I honestly feel bad for the Seyiuus and English voice actors who had to follow this garbage script.

This anime represents everything that is wrong with anime.
It’s an anime that is so bad that it actually piss off the viewer intelligence as well making the shittest animes like Big Order and Eromanga Sensei look decent in comparison. It also fails as B movie type anime because unlike Mayoiga the show not only tries to take itself too seriously and fails but it takes serious/sensitive topics such as sex and rape and butchers them to the point where it all those topics becomes a joke for a narrative.
The story was utter shit, the pacing was horrendous, the characters are hot garbage, the visuals are bad and the soundtrack was bland and boring.

This is the worst thing I have ever seen from this anime medium and I don’t think it will ever be topped. It’s such an insult in every way and makes me want to watch things like Eromanga Sensei and Big Order again. As much I despise those shows for its offensive content and horrific characters. I rather take that than watch this broken show again
Is it worse than Skelter Heaven and Mars of Destruction? hell yeah because least those ovas were only 19 minutes long. This piece of contrived rabbit hole shit is 276 minutes long.
Stay away from this garbage no matter how much curious you are because it will bring you nothing but misery.

Final Score.
As much I want to this garbage a deserved 0/10 I can’t because MAL doesn’t have a 0/10 opinion. Until MAL has a 0/10 opinion I have sadly give this piece of shit that belongs in the rabbit hole a 1/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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