All KyoAnimation animes has a great quality in the art, soundproofing and fluency, but Hyouka for me is the best in this senses.
The story is very simple, a lazy (and very clever) guy being dragged to solve mysteries by a girl's stubbornness. That's all the anime needs to be a good story.
Off course, isn't just about it, have a little dose of comedy and a good romance.
The way certain scenes were directed enhance the work, for example when Chitanda and Houtarou met for the first time. The four mainly characters have their own charisma, and the relations between them are whats makes the anime works.
The mysteries and how they are solved is very cool, the way then Houtarou arrives at his conclusions make the work something more intellectual than just a slice of life.
The enjoyment walks slowly and this follow the story.
It's a cool anime.
My final note is 8 (7.8) and why is a "low note" for something I said so wel.........
The end is broaching. Sorry, this is the only word to describe what I feel about the end of Hoyuka. You watch all the anime and see how Houtarou is falling in love with Chitanda and the minimum you deserve is a declaration of love. And you see that, but it's just him dreaming and he chooses not to do this, Chitanda and Houtarou is the couple that I twisted the most to happen, it's absolutelly my favorite. The anime don't have a close end and if had probably should be my favorite romance and anime, but still a good work, so I recommend to watch