Long Along Alonging, a short -paged story of a witty little girl that decides to become a vampire's apprentice.
Story: (8)
Amusing, to say the least! LAA manages a unique twist on vampires (Which is the apprenticeship in itself) which I really enjoyed. The ending, as surprising as it is, is one of the funniest endings I've seen in a while. For an 8-paged story to get me to laugh out loud is pretty amazing!
Art: (6)
Not a big fan of Nakamura's art. However, the character's blunt faces really helped with the comical effects at the end.
Character: (5)
Stereotypical, but what do you want? It's only EIGHT pages! Even then, we only learn one character's name and that's it.
Enjoyment: (8)
I laughed at the end, enough said. This little story is witty and was definitely worth my time. It handles a surprise ending, one of my favorites, very well and makes it comical!
Overall: (8)
It's short, it'll barely take 10 minutes to read, and will maybe manage to make you laugh at the end. Ask yourself if you don't want to read it!