Sorry for my imperfect english at the start.
I watched this anime becouse my friend was facinated by Yuri on Ice, plus I'm training figure skating.
1. Like few of other users was saying, plot is really awful and inconsistent. Charactersare a little boring and without personality. I think that they really made those "gay" scenes just for commerciality and girls who like m&m relationships.
2. For me ( as fan and active figure skater) routines are not so bad, but they should make longer episodes and give us full of every routines.
3. But they also made good job with details of skating. When I can see differences between lutz and flip( this jumps are very similar). The worst jump was salchow. But Rotations, pirouettes, step secuences, edges was made in my opininon really good.
4 Music: in this anime music was terrible. only opening, Eros and Allegro Appassionato in B minor, yuri on ice. The rest not fit for this sport.
I gave this series 9/10 just becouse of skating parts.
once again sorry for my english... I know, It's BAD. But I'm still learning.
Feb 5, 2017
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