I try to keep my anime reviews brief an straight to the point. With that said lets get this show on the road.
Story line- There was no solid plot for the first 10 episodes of the anime. Each episode was basically Dante going on jobs hunting demons. Which got kind of boring after a while. Its not until the tenth episode that they tried to create a plot. (THIS ANIME IS ONLY 12 EPISODES) There was no form to the plot, it just kind of appeared out of no where. It also made little to know sense at all.
Art & Sound- The art was classically done with dull colors however, it does have a dark appeal to it. The sound is also good.
Character- This anime was created based of the game Devil May Cry. However, if you have never played the game series you would certainly be lost on the characters. There were only a handful of characters that you would see in every episode. No character actually made a show stopping performance. Nor did I feel attached to any particular character. They basically came and left.
Enjoyment- I overall enjoyed the theme of the anime (dark, supernatural, action, gore ) theme. I felt that the actual deliverance of the anime needed a bit of work. Nonetheless it was good.