Alright I'm not going to waste time: I'm a backer of the original kick starter and I know this production was always a long shot to begin with. We paid our $20, $40, $60 in hopes of being able to say: "Look animation in Japan is fantastic, you just need a great set of minds behind it!" Did we get that? Nope. Not close.
Story: 2/10 I'm just going to say that there's too much jam packed into 20 minutes of nonsensical best guessing. This production was supposed to be a 1:30.00 length film, at minimum. However the kick starter did not make it that far and we were left with a 26 minute sad shadow of "what might have been." There's great ideas, and extensive world that should have been imagined on a greater scale than it was. A story that starts with secret agents and ends with aliens; but at no point was I ever fully aware of what exactly THE HELL WAS GOING ON. Under the Dog is a classic example of a great idea forced into a space that cannot accommodate it, and the result is a confusing and rushed pseudo-story that only the developers would be able to decipher. If that.
Art: 1/10. THIS IS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE. UtD was advertised as a high fps animation production reminiscent of classic shows such a Ghost in the Shell. The developers implied that we would see impressive "Sakuga" (high fps fluid motion style) animation with good art design, original character modeling, and unique story. I was not treated to any of this, instead I was treated to a production that would not normally even make it to the regular fall anime TV season. The character work was awful, appearing blocky and undetailed, and action scenes were nearly nonexistent. It was disheartening and depressing. And I don't wanna talk about it anymore.
Sound: 8/10: The only saving grace of UtD was it's sound track, designed by Kevin Penkin (formally of #muchmoresuccessfulBlizzard) who composed a soundtrack which should have stirred audiences but never could given the garbage they were forced to watch. I can only say your talents were wasted in vain, my good sir.
Characters: 2/10: I'm not sure what to say here. Good characters require plot and emotional development in order to create a feeling of stakes for some of of threat or crisis. UtD simply didn't have it. They were not able to develop a large cast with only 26 minutes. It's not impossible; I've seen it done before(Hotarubi no Mori e has a 40 min run time but still astounds and impacts for instance). But it was not done here. I simply did not feel emotionally attached to anyone. And with that you've lost me.
Enjoyment: 3/10: I'm honestly so sad, because I wanted UtD to do well and shatter the anime community and a ringing bell of triumph that "Anime can tell an amazing story and move hearts in only half and hour". But it doesn't work that way. Production setbacks (the creative director was fired 2 months into the program, anyone remember that?) and the ugly reality of the industry of anime production resulting in another great idea with what I believe had REAL inspiration being compromised and reduced down to something that cannot inherently be enjoyed, simply because it was drowned in its own expectations and production requirements. I was not moved by anything other than the soundtrack, and nothing felt original in watching the final product.
Overall: 2/10: This is the story of what happens when a true inspiration gets dragged down by red tape, rules, and requirements. I dare you to watch it. Then remember to never chain your inspiration to a bunch of backer promises and regulatory red tape. Cuz this is what you'll get.