Interesting movie we got here, despite it’s clichéd synopsis of the esper guy who has his limited powers and only can use a great amount of power when cornered like a mouse. I’m sure I’ve watched something with a similar synopsis before.
The thing about Ai City despite it’s clichéd synopsis and corny title is it does have more inside than meets the eye, especially it’s visuals, the animation is pretty good and provided some very interesting scenes and allied to the esper/psychic nature atmosphere of the anime, it had some very good scenes in it.
It tried to include a wide concept into one hour and half, due to that, some stuff was compressed and left outside of the anime, some other stuff was left unexplained [spoiler] I’m still am trying to figure out what happened there. [/spoiler]. But due to it’s crazy aspect about espers and psychics, I think that the random crazyness of some scenes can be left aside, and better than that, can be widely enjoyed.
A pretty decent 80s anime movie that will please your hunger for the sci-fi genre of it’s time.
Rate; 6.7/10