Chalk up my rating to the fact that I really do not like parodies. There's a disconnect between me and that genre; where others would be lying on the floor laughing, I am merely sitting on my chair, bored out of my mind.
To be fair, One Punch Man is decent, more like a parody of a parody, but I still cannot see at what point this is the saviour of anime like others have claimed. It's light-hearted, doesn't take itself too seriously, and there's no continual plot; each plot ends as the episode does, except, perhaps, with the last couple of episodes.
The characters are not well-rounded; some of them are merely caricatures. Saitama was a bored salaryman whose knowledge about his powers came about on pure happenstance, and thus he uses it to become a hero, but ultimately gets too strong and becomes bored because he takes out his enemies with one punch, a'la the title.
Genos is a cyborg with a dark past. He's the one that brings the comedic effect to the duo; on a regular basis he ends up becoming a trash heap as his opponents regularly take him out, or he loses all self-preservation and ends up sacrificing himself.
An assortment of eccentric background characters come in to either "lend a hand" by being completely useless, or being equally useless enemies.
If you're looking for a deep plot and well-rounded characters, you definitely won't find them here.
The art was really well done for a show with a decent budget. You can tell that the animators really love doing their jobs and doing it well, because the fight sequences were exquisite - enough to make you want to watch it a few times over.
The music is catchy and not going to lie, I was humming the OP more than a few times when I was distracted.
One Punch Man is not an extraordinary anime, but a decent one.
Don't get me wrong, I can see why a lot of people enjoy this anime, but I didn't see what the fuss was all about. Though I have bought the manga. I enjoyed the series enough to do that at least. I will just be among those who can't picture this anime as the saviour of Japan's entertainment medium.