
Jun 28, 2015
Mixed Feelings
I can never understand why things that are super generic and follow see through paths are so popular. Is it because it reminds them of something they love? Does the story pump you up even though you can see the outcome? I don't know but I wish I did.

The only thing going for it is it's setting. In this make believe land there is a dungeon that goes down many floors (Atleast past 60) and in each level of the dungeon there are monsters that anyone can go in and fight. The only reason to fight them is to get them gems they drop and exchange them for gold and maybe curiosity as well. It follows they idea of being in a game but this time its not actually a game just whats natural in this world. You raise your stats and develop skills that allow you to go deeper into the dungeon and obtain larger gems.

The charcters are generic and mediocre. The main charcter Bell is a weakling in the begining and then set in front of obstacles that prove his strength on the way to what he dreams for himself in the future. Lili the supporter of the party that Bell leads collects all the gems making it easier for the gold outcome the be larger and she provides a development for Bell in the earlier episodes. Crozzo is a blacksmith that Bell unintentionally runs into when looking for a new set of Crozzo's armor. These two create a deal and partner up to take hold on the lower levels that need larger partys to face when low level. Hestia is Bell's godess and provides care for him. All of the god's and godess's look to create Famillias a group of adventures they care for and send into the dungeon. She is a charcter that is either loved or hated. I personally dislike her attitude and personalitly. It ruins the atmosphere of the show and it seems she is there to create some comedy. Wallenstein is one of the strongest fighters in the lands and Bell's love at first site. She is basically a charcter there to provide movement for the story. She is considered an idiot except when it comes to fighting which she excells at.

The artstyle is bland and simple. There is nothing amazingly good about it. I didn't notice and signigant drops in quality while watching and and it stayed around a average mark during the whole series. The same for the sound. Opening and Ending were both alright nothing amazing considing others of this season and the soundtrack didn't stick out either.

I enjoyed it enough to finish it. It wasn't anything amazing and reminded me alot of SAO. I wouldn't be suprised about a second season even though it was't annouced. Overall the show was OK. It could be worth a watch if you enjoy video games or SAO. If looking for a romance as strong as the one in SAO it is not here so don't expect developement. Watch at you own pace and drop it if needed. This show is a not need watch.

Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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