Well, this is a hard anime to review, because your enjoyment all depends on your own take on this anime. But this is my take:
STORY: Yeah, this anime may have a hard plot to find. Hell, it might not even have one. But I still found it enjoyable. But then again, it's not that hard to keep me entertained (^.^). It's a dark and mysterious story about a twelve year old boy named Ritsuka and a twenty year old college student named Soubi. Yes, it suggests a few things, they kiss a couple of times, and let's just say that Soubi, in my eyes, is about the definition of pervert. I don't really know why they classify this under yaoi, but I guess after a while you see why.
ART: I really loved the character designs in this! They all looked so smooth and beautiful to me.
SOUND: The subbed voices, in my opinion, matched the character designs very nicely. The only thing I couldn't stand was Yuiko's voice. After about eight episodes, I wanted to hurt her. But then again, that might be just due to her annoying character (Imagine Misa Amane from Death Note, only not THAT bad).
CHARACTER: These characters practically made me fall in love. They grabbed me and made me happy, sad, mad, and all those emotions that anime usually can't do to me. I yelled at my TV at times, I will admit...
ENJOYMENT: Somewhere in this incredibly long review, I must have said something about my enjoyment with this anime, so I guess that it's kinda self explanitory.
OVERALL: This anime could have easily been given a ten, BUT! I didn't reach the ending! I won't spoil anything, since when people spoil things I want to stab their eyes out, so don't worry. Let me just say that there had better be a sequel to the anime, because this was REALLY incomplete. They left a lot of things open, like who Septimal Moon is, which really bugged me. And something else, but I feel like that would be ruining something. But besides the ending, this anime, in my eyes, isn't really a MUST WATCH RIGHT FREAKING NOW, but a watch for one of those days where you have nothing to do, you could watch this.
Like I said in the beginning, I can already tell that some people are going to yell STATUATORY RAPE after watching the first episode, but really don't listen to them. There's really nothing that wrong with it.
All I can say is that if you liked Gravitation, you most likely will like this. ^.^
Thanks for reading! =3