
Oct 10, 2014
Pretty girls, tanks, and big boom, what more can you ask for? Girls und Panzer breaks away from your typical schoolgirls with guns plus fanservice into schoolgirls with tanks minus the fanservice. And they did not fail to deliver!

Tankery is the name of the sport, but for these girls its a way of life. Tankery help these girls to become strong, graceful, and indepent woman. But like every sport there's always those tough challenges to face, and one of those is dealing with a strong opponent and being the underdog who strives to win it all and show the world that they too can play with the big kids, and this is no exception for Miho Nishizumi. Ok lets begin the review.

Story: 8
It's a simple story not very complex so its easy to follow and understand. The story does deliver, like I said it's the same old sports story, where you're the underdog and surprise everyone by beating the top players, however there is a twist. The underdog school Oarai High School is facing closure and the student council is desperate to save their school, so they decide to re-establish the old club of tankery and force Miho (who was a tankerer at her old school and is the daughter and sister of the most popular tankerers) to join the tankery club, and then this set off the chain event to come, from Miho becoming the commander for her team, to surprising everyone with her tactical skills and beating other teams that were more skillful and stronger, to (well not going to spoil it for now this is a review not a summary).

Art: 8
Mostly for how much effort they put into detailing the tanks, and how they kept the animation consistent even in fast paced action, not like other anime that for some reason degrades the art style in an epic battle *cough* Naruto tail cloak vs pain *cough* but anyways Girls und panzer did great with consistency and that's a A+ in my book.

Sound: 7
Not every time you hear old classical WW2 music during an anime, and it fit well! Most of the tanks were old school ww2 tanks anyways so you can see why its appropiate, it had its intensity when it needed to and its mellow tone when things slimmer down, and the opening gets you into the start very catchy and might stick in your head for awhile.

Character: 7
Too many characters but it makes sense when you figure how many crew members per tanks and the number of tanks there were. But the characters were a bit bland at some point especially the volleyball team and the newest team who played a mmo tank game and was the first to be taken out, those 2 weren't very memorable, as for developement they kept it focus more on the main gals of the story which is a good thing since we're more focus on them. The team of anglerfish was great and they worked so well for a group of people that were so completely different in everyway yet were pieces that connected very well, and helped Niho the main chika become more of a leader and dependable character.

Enjoyement: 8
The intense moment will have you glued to the screen routing for Oarai high to come out on top. This anime its very enjoyable they do have there humor moments but this anime is more of a willpower to fight on type. And you will feel that way too(I do not reccommend you to get on a tank and pull of those stunts you might be amd could killed) but anyways the battle were great, you learn alot believe it or not, and you would grow to like the characters and route for them.

Overall: 7.6
Not much to say really its very enjoyable and fun to watch its something different but you'll like it. You might want to play world of tanks after because of this though. But anyways give it a shot its worth it could've been a bit longer atleast 24-26 episodes but hey can't complain.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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