OMG this series makes me laugh. im just wondering if anyone else noticed it but i kinda saw some DBZ moments near the end lol. The story of this anime seemed nothing special to me. it kinda felt like your average shonen anime.
In the end the story kinda gave me a whole uneasy feeling for the whole series because it was cheesy in some ways if you know what i mean. That concluded it with a score of 7 from me.
The art i liked. It was pretty unique, but there was one problem that i had with it: it seemed like it was rushed when they drew the characters. At random points in the anime it gave me the "ugh theres something wrong with her face" feeling. But that could just be me. ended with a score of 7 also.
The sound and music of the anime I thought was very good. I loved the opening kinda got me ready for the show....weird haha. The music was noticeable enough to sound good. Usually for shows they don't give off unique songs so you don't even notice it. This show had good music. I gave it a score of 8.
I think that the characters are what get you to watch the show. I like Ameri and Mashiro. The conflict between the two of them kinda kept me watching. I don't really have a certain reason why i like them its just that i did. I gave that a score of 9.
I did enjoy this show to some extent, the "cheesy" (to me) endings always made me go "wow that was predictable". But you gotta love this show for its comedy or its DBZ scenes which made me laugh a ton because they were that ridiculous.
Overall this is a good series that people should watch if you like romcom/supernatural/tayutamislayin anime lol. xD