The first thing I'd like to say about Little Busters! is to "give it a chance". If you can get past the first three episodes, you will be probably be able to ease into it- and the story will start to make a lot more sense.
One problem with Little Busters! seems to be that people expect another Clannad (possibly the most successful anime adaptation of a Key game thus far) animated by Kyoto Animation along with Air and Kanon 2006.
What strikes me is that even before watching Little Busters!, many viewers who are familiar with other Key titles (animated by Kyoto Animation) already have a certain prejudice; that the show must somehow not be as great just because another company produced it. Or perhaps the opposite train of thought; Little Busters! should be great because Key created the game.
The fact is, however, that "who created what" aside, Little Busters! cannot be the same as its predecessors. It's a different game.
In case you haven't noticed, it is not called "Clannad II" or "Kanon the Sequel". Yes, Maeda Jun's distinctive style is evident in the plot and characters, but walking into something with colored glasses on can really ruin the experience.
So throw the comparisons aside and prepare to enjoy Little Busters! as it is. The story can be a little difficult to understand at times, but I feel that J.C. Staff did a great job, particularly considering they had about three episodes to spare for each character's route. In addition, the game itself is structured in a way where each route is somewhat incomplete when it stands alone. The pieces really don't fall together until Refrain- which in turn won't really make sense until the first season is viewed.
Conclusion: Good luck with the first few episodes as you ease into it, forget about Clannad, enjoy Little Busters! as Little Busters!, and finish with Refrain; it's a good watch if you are okay with something with a slightly heavier storyline.
Mar 20, 2014
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