If it annoys you to see people utterly dependent on their mobiles, stay well away from Mirai Nikki!
Nothing brings down an anime like an unlikable main character, and no main character has ever annoyed me more than Yukiteru. From his cringeworthy relationship with Yuno to the way he manipulated her yandere feelings for him, the lack of any redeeming characteristics for Yukiteru made him completely unrelatable. I understand that this anime was supposed to be twisted, but a good psychological show will bring out twisted sympathy in the viewer, and watching this, I felt alienated. In fact, Mirai Nikki does such a perfect job of making Yukiteru despicable that I have wondered if it was precisely what the creators were aiming for. Was the anime meant to bring out a strong sense of justice by having such a backward, selfish, unrelatable main character? I don't know, but it certainly wasn't fun for me to watch.
The story was pretty smart, and definitely worth checking out if you're a hardcore fan of time travel. Beyond that, I think its a very good anime to watch with friends (NOT TOGETHER), as even I have to admit, it's a fun topic to discuss!