Primele trei parti sunt chiar foarte bune.
Preferata mea cu un mic plus este partea a treia pentru ca sunt multe personaje epice, si tot drumul spre Egipt a fost misto, unii inamici erau comici, altii super tari, multi au murit din pacate, dar toti au contribuit cu ceva.
Prima parte a fost inceputul, si mi-a placut la nebunie, vedem inceputurile lui Dio, si Zeppeli a fost un personaj foarte bun, fara el Jonathan nu ar fi avut nici o sansa.
Partea a doua a fost si ea super tare, Joseph este foarte cool si funny, Caesar a fost cred ca personajul meu preferat din acea parte.
Partea a patra este buna, mi sa parut interesanta, dar a lipsit tensiunea aia din celelalte parti in multe momente, dar sfarsitul a fost epic, chiar iti recomand sa vezi.
Ai avut mare dreptate cu JoJo, anime super tare.
Prin 2013 mi l-ai recomandat.
Am vazut poza la friends si am vazut la comments ca am vorbit, si mi-am amintit,lol.
Sry to bother you I randomly clicked your profile and I like your taste of anime and noticed that I have not seen Casshern Sins. What kind of anime is that? Should I give a try?
sal,no problem pt add,pai doar shounen agreez,nu urmaresc genul cu viata de liceu sau romantice,mersi pt JoJo's Bizarre Adventure,o sa vedem,deocamdata o sa termin cu rurouni kenshin si cu toate filmele si Ova`s si dupa ma gandeam sa revad fairy tail sau sa incep sa urmaresc Magi,o sa vedem :d
First of all, my apologies for the late reply; the admin usually responsible for accepting new members has been inconvenienced for a while.
I'd like to welcome you to the "Critics and Connoisseurs" club. Please feel free to take some time to familiarize yourself with the club rules posted on the club's main page and in the FAQ thread.
We'd like the members to stay active by reading/watching the spotlighted entries as much as their time allows them to and also by participating in the discussion threads and most importantly by voting in the weekly polls. I hope that you enjoy your time at the "Critics and Connoisseurs" club as an active member.
Should you have any questions regarding the club please feel free to contact one of the admins or refer to the FAQ thread.
Right, rural. Derp. My English fails from time to time. Well rural seems like a fitting word, I don't really get the exotic either. Maybe people think it's really hot weather there? / I actually have no idea how the weather is were you live lol
And I call most Eastern Europe countries 'the ones that always win the Eurovision song contest', gahahahaha. Even though I don't really watch that
Maybe because it's more uhmm... I can't really find the word for it, but well eastern Europe is less... developed in economy and stuff, no? (it sounds like i'm saying you guys are dumb or something oops. which i'm not just to make sure) That's what school learned me at least. So you know, less big cities and stuff like that. More... old traditions and. Stuff lol.
All Comments (14) Comments
Preferata mea cu un mic plus este partea a treia pentru ca sunt multe personaje epice, si tot drumul spre Egipt a fost misto, unii inamici erau comici, altii super tari, multi au murit din pacate, dar toti au contribuit cu ceva.
Prima parte a fost inceputul, si mi-a placut la nebunie, vedem inceputurile lui Dio, si Zeppeli a fost un personaj foarte bun, fara el Jonathan nu ar fi avut nici o sansa.
Partea a doua a fost si ea super tare, Joseph este foarte cool si funny, Caesar a fost cred ca personajul meu preferat din acea parte.
Partea a patra este buna, mi sa parut interesanta, dar a lipsit tensiunea aia din celelalte parti in multe momente, dar sfarsitul a fost epic, chiar iti recomand sa vezi.
Prin 2013 mi l-ai recomandat.
Am vazut poza la friends si am vazut la comments ca am vorbit, si mi-am amintit,lol.
Sry to bother you I randomly clicked your profile and I like your taste of anime and noticed that I have not seen Casshern Sins. What kind of anime is that? Should I give a try?
First of all, my apologies for the late reply; the admin usually responsible for accepting new members has been inconvenienced for a while.
I'd like to welcome you to the "Critics and Connoisseurs" club. Please feel free to take some time to familiarize yourself with the club rules posted on the club's main page and in the FAQ thread.
We'd like the members to stay active by reading/watching the spotlighted entries as much as their time allows them to and also by participating in the discussion threads and most importantly by voting in the weekly polls. I hope that you enjoy your time at the "Critics and Connoisseurs" club as an active member.
Should you have any questions regarding the club please feel free to contact one of the admins or refer to the FAQ thread.
And I call most Eastern Europe countries 'the ones that always win the Eurovision song contest', gahahahaha. Even though I don't really watch that
you're from Europe
same timezone awwwww yeah
also 88.3% on my side, huh?