All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 59.0
Mean Score:
- Watching16
- Completed193
- On-Hold30
- Dropped21
- Plan to Watch132
- Total Entries392
- Rewatched18
- Episodes3,467
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 26.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries171
- Reread1
- Chapters2,883
- Volumes515
All Comments (400) Comments
it's a drawing club.
would you be interested?
-_- it's also stuck in my head now.
it single-handedly replaced a whole soundtrack that was stuck in my head before.
{static sounds}
crap, the soundtrack is back.
^_^ i is kinda *special* though. faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous, eh? it's apparently much different for you...
better not be falling for a trick!!
i more or less died on reading your account of winter "break".
you surely find solace in now being so well removed from such a burden and instead being placed in the warm, familiar clutches of another trick, i mean semester. trust me, these tears are tears of......why, joy, of course! joy for you and the good tidings yer tricks bring!
i'm not afraid of you or anything...just stay there for a moment...
{grasps desperately for doorknob while chuckling}
O_o ...
fancy that, can't seem to get the door open...
seriously, i'll never make fun of you again:
{door opens}
at least not for a while!
It's OK, I forgive you, you're still the shit.
My list is pretty diverse, I think. If I had to pick one type probably picked like action like naruto or bleach.
-_- crap...
how goes school manateeeeeeeee ee- ee- ee- ee- ee-?
{waves from atop a high building}
^_^ if i sing from up here, the distortions will mask my lack of talent!
{pats self}
i put a bit of thought into it...
so it was the president who caused ye to divulge such malamanderous ideas, eh?
don't tell me they did that "look to your left, look to your right, at the end one of you won't be here" thing??
@_@ your poor gundiam-id...
silly, don't you know that's only true for high school, military school and space academy?
i can't believe you fell for it...
besides, sometimes when a great height is reached too soon, a ceiling is reached soon as well.
{folds arms}
always kayak at your own pace. if not, your arms will surely fall off.
that or the waterfall option.
O_o i have no idea what i'm saying.
mm...i still need more training, is it? and exposure therapy?
me chart did say i might become less stoopid with more exposure, it did...
{unfolds arms}
you might have to inundate me with all the psychology, japanese and anything else you can throw at me.
@_@ it's the only way my condition will improve!
Yeah, FMA is awesome, because it's FMA. One problem though: It is speeding through the story. I think the last episode I watched was 10, and Hughes just died (The second time my heart has been broken by that scene). It is good that it's following the manga though, I just think they should take their time with it.
So what is college like? Is it a magic college by any chance? =P
I haven't spoken to you in a long time, so I guess this is kind of random. How have you been for the past year or two? (Wow, really has been a while).